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Do not ask for promotions.
Admin promotions MUST be group decided by other admins
I need *everyone’s* help keeping the server easy to learn, stable, and fair.If we all help, the server will be way more fun for n00bs J

Moderators & Admins duties:
1. Monitor new users and jail first if caught griefing, mute if spamming chat
2. Fix griefing if easy
3. Make the area look better (Example: fill in holes in the grass and buildings)
4. Learn important commands
5. Help AND Teach other players how to do things
6. Monitor gold & diamond breaks in survival in case of x-ray cheating
7. Admins may not use creative or worldedit in survival world unless it is region protected AND NOT IN FACTION CLAIMS
8. Do not use your powers to cheat. Admins should not be on leaderboards or baltop. Keep survival world fair
9. Jail cheaters if caught using X-Ray (finding ores too fast) (watch them mine first!)
10. Report ways to make money too fast/exploits in survival
11. Moderators+ should promote players to crafter if they’re not griefers (removes water bucket notifications, can break grass, etc)
12. Admins may promote players to Moderator if trusted, WE if they prove they know how to use it SAFELY
13. When promoting to Mod+ always refer them to this page!
14. E-mail Jaggy if there is an emergency
If you never help out, you could be Demoted.

Moderator commands:
/whois player See info about a user (real name, IP, etc)
/v  (/v check to check if vanished) Go invisible to watch new players for griefing
/kick player reason(optional) Disabled from abuse, use jailing and mute
/togglejail player Jail# time Shortcut: /jail player 5 15m Throw a player in jail – Example:
/togglejail Player Jail5 15m
/ejail player Auto jails player to Jail5 for 1 hour
/togglejail player Release from jail
/d Set daytime
/wsun Stop rain
/lag clear Clear all entities in the world. You can also specify entity (/lag clear spider)
/seen player Shows if player is banned

Admin commands:
/setwarp Create a warp point for all users (check if already exists)
/xp Get XP
/spawnmob wolf:tame Spawn tamed wolf
/spawnmob chicken;sheep Spawns a sheep riding a chicken
/spawner mobname Change mob spawner mob type
/nick player nickname Set a nickname of a player
/dmarker Controls markers on the map
/ban player reason Bans a playername
/ipban player reason Bans IP of player
/tempban player # sec/min/hour/day reason Temp bans the player with time (/tempban nublet 30 min reason)
/tempipban player # sec/min/hour/day reason Temp IP bans the player with time (/tempipban nublet 30 min reason)
/unban player (or ip) Unbans a player and all IP addresses they’ve used
/checkban player Checks if a player is banned
/a message Admin only chat channel
/atoggle Lock admin only chat channel mode

Admins please join Discord
Dynmap markers
Please restrict worldedit to < 10K blocks at a time

/co i Sets tree/wood block to info tool
/co rollback {options} Rolls back blocks defined by the options specified
/co restore {options} Restore all blocks defined by the options specified (use same options as rollback to undo a rollback)
Option U:{playername} Specify the playername to rollback/restore Example: U:Notch
Option T:{time} Specify the time to rollback/restore Example: T:2w,5d,7h,2m,10s
Option B:{block#} Specify block #'s rollback/restore only specific block types Example: B:57 (diamondblock)
Option E:{block#} Specify block #'s to ignore specific block types during rollback/restore Example: E:57 (diamondblock)
Option R:{radius} Specify the radius of blocks around you during rollback/restore Example: R:5
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h Rollback Notch 1 hour
/co rollback u:Notch t:23h17m Rollback Notch 23 hours and 17 minutes
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h b:1 Rollback ONLY stone placed/removed by Notch within 1 hour
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h e:1 Rollback everything Notch did in the last hour except for stone
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h r:10 Rollback griefing Notch did in the last hour within 10 blocks of you
/co rollback t:15m r:30 Rollback everything done in the last 15 minutes done by anyone within 30 blocks

Restoring using Snapshots
Select a region using wand, then run /restore (automatically restores using latest backup)
To view older snapshots: /snap list
To select an older snapshotbefore /restore: /snap use snapshotname
To go back to latest snapshot: /snap use latest
To restore using a specific snapshot (instead of /snap use): /restore snapshotname

Upload your schematics here

Jaggy:2 Upload your schematics here

Schematics > 15K will lag the server and kick players off.
Please do not paste schematics this large unless no one is on.

Thanks so much for all the Moderators and Admins that help out!