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Protect your building simple tutorial: (Creative worlds only!)
  1. Empty a slot by pressing Q
  2. type //wand to get a wand (wooden axe)
  3. Select the wand, left click one block and it should say position1 set
  4. Right click another block and it should say position2 set
  5. Type /region define regionname yourusername
  6. All done! All blocks in between those blocks will be protected.

Example: /region define castle Jaggy
Shortcut: /define castle
Add a user to your region: /region addmember regionname username
You can use “//expand #ofblocks up” to expand the area up by #ofblocks)
(You can add more users to have access by typing
/region define name yourusername theirusername anotherusername)

You can use Worldedit CUI client mod to see the blocks you have selected.