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Chat | Description | How to get promoted (NEVER ASKING FOR PROMO) |
[Rank]FactionName|PlayerName: Message | Chat format | |
[--Guest--] | Rank: Unregistered player | |
[-Builders-] | Rank: Registered player | |
[-Crafter-] | Rank: Plays on the server regularly | Moderator+ will promote when trusted |
[Moderator] | Rank: Helps other players and keep the server safe from bad players | WE+ will promote when trusted and helpful |
['Worldedit'] | Rank: Moderator with Worldedit access | Admin+ will promote when trusted and tested with WE commands |
[--Admin--] | Rank: Trusted player to help keep the server stable and help players | Only promoted when group voted by other admins |
[-@Admin@-] | Rank: Admin trusted with keeping survival world fair and balanced | Must give up all survival playing/factions to be able to keep survival fair and balanced |
* before PlayerName | Donating player | |
. before PlayerName | Player with a nickname | |
' before FactionName | Moderator of the faction | |
'' before FactionName | Owner of the faction | |
* before Rank | Global message | |
* PlayerName | /me message | |
GreenFactionName | Ally to your faction | |
WhiteFactionName | Neutral to your faction | |
RedFactionName | Enemy of your faction | |
GoldFactionName | Peaceful faction (cannot PVP) | |
PlayerName ---> Me | Private message from a player. Reply with /r yourmessage | |
{Jail} | A player is being jailed or unjailed | |
{Mute} | A player is being muted or unmuted | |
{Kick/Ban} | A player has been kicked or banned | |
(Promote) | A player has been promoted in rank | |
(Demote) | A player has been demoted in rank | |
(Death) | A player has died from natural causes | |
(Murder) | A player has been murdered by another player (PVP) | |
<Regen> | A player has regenerated a world | |
<AFK> | A player has gone AFK (away from keyboard) or returned | |
<Join> | A player has joined/connected to the server | |
<Leave> | A player has left/disconnected from the server |